With the scientific name lablab purpureus, hyacinth bean (locally known as bataw) is a legume which is cultivated to be eaten as a green pods. It belongs to the family Fabaceae ⁄ Leguminosae. It is also known as Egyptian Bean, Field Bean, Indian bean, Lablab Bean, Musical Bean, Tonga Bean, Sweet Pulse and Wild Bean.
The plant is tropical and widely grown in North Africa and Asia. It is a twining or trailing herb. The pods are 4 to 5 cm long. It is used for vegetable use. It has strong nutty aroma and sweet flavor.
Health Benefits of Eating Bataw Everyday
Hyacinth Bean contains various nutrients, minerals, vitamins and lipids that help to enhance the overall health. It possess antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, tonic, aphrodisiac, hypocholesterolemic, galactagogue, appetite suppressants and antispasmodic properties that prevents from various types of ailments.
#1: Supports Digestion
Fiber plays a vital role in the digestion. Insoluble fiber provides bulk to the stool and speeds up the time to pass the waste from the body. It helps to prevent bloating, constipation and indigestion. Soluble fiber enhances digestion by absorbing the water to form a viscous substance which is fermented by the bacteria in a digestive tract.
#2: Treats Insomnia
The low consumption and absorption of nutrient is the cause for insomnia. The adequate amount of magnesium helps to increase the sleep, lower levels of cortisol and higher concentrations of melatonin that are related to stress. The research shows that the magnesium supplements reduce the symptoms of insomnia, improve sleep time, sleep efficiency and sleep onset. It also reduces the cortisol.
#3: Prevents Cancer
Zinc possesses an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which helps to counteract oxidative stress and reduce the risk of diseases. Zinc assists the healthy cell division, prevents mutation of cells and prohibits tumor growth. The research shows that the adequate intake of zinc reduced the oxidative stress along with the infections and side effects. It has the ability to promote the immune system.
#4: Cardiovascular Health
Vitamin B1 is vital for the production of acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter that relay messages from the nerves to the muscles. Heart depends on these signals. The proper use of energy helps to provide signals between the nerves and muscles. The studies show that Vitamin B1 helps to counteract heart disease as it maintains the healthy ventricular function and also treats heart failure.
#5: Brain Health
Copper is essential for the brain pathways such as galactose and dopamine which helps to maintain mood, outlook and focus. The low presence of copper leads to fatigue, poor mood, concentration trouble and low metabolic activity. It is also associated in utilizing tyrosinase, ascorbate oxidase, superoxide dismutase and Vitamin C. The antioxidants prevent the damage caused by free radicals and slow down the aging process, neuro-degenerative disease and cancer.
#6: Assists Respiration
Minerals such as selenium, manganese and zinc assist the people having the lung disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oxidative stress is the cause for respiratory disorders and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Manganese is able to reduce the oxidative stress as well as inflammation by producing the SOD’s which helps to heal the lungs.
#7: Enhances Mood
The protein foods contain the amino acids that are essential to balance hormones, control mood and treats anxiety. Protein assists the function of neurotransmitters and harmonizes the hormones such as serotonin and dopamine which helps to calm us. Proteins balance the glucose and prevent irritability, mood chance and cravings which are associated with the fluctuation of blood sugar level.
#8: Prevents Cramps
Hyacinth beans contains adequate amount of potassium which reduce the muscle cramps and improves the strength of muscles. The deficiency of potassium is the cause of muscle cramps. The potassium soothes the muscles by balancing the fluid levels. Low level of potassium leads to cramps, general pains and muscle spasms. It helps to breakdown the proteins and carbs which the muscle depend upon for the repair and energy.
#9: Gum Health
Vitamin D, Calcium and phosphorus is essential for maintaining bone health by supporting jaw-bone mineral density, tooth enamel and holds teeth in place. Vitamins and minerals help to cure tooth decay. Children require the foods rich in calcium and phosphorus which helps to form the hard structure of the teeth. Along with phosphorus, Vitamin D is essential to balance the calcium in the body and enhance it absorption for the formation of tooth. Vitamin D reduces the gum inflammation that is related with periodontal gum disease.
#10: Assists Levels of Energy
Iron helps to transport the oxygen to the cells. It helps to body to absorb nutrients and digest proteins from the food. The low presence of iron results sluggish, trouble being active and cause exhaustion. The symptoms of iron deficiency are mood change, low concentration and muscle co-ordination problem.
Source: Health Benefits Times
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