As of today, one of the basic household uses of rubbing alcohol is as an amazing cleaning agent. In fact, the active ingredients that it contain in a lot of commercial products consumed to disinfect different surfaces and as well as some electronic devices. As a whole, those products are mixed with some chemical that helps to stay on that surface longer and cannot evaporate easily.
Here are top 10 astonishing uses of rubbing alcohol
1. Prevents Swimmer’s Ear
By combing the rubbing alcohol to the water that has been trapped inside the ear, the successive mixture will vaporize quickly and it will also dry the ear that helps in stopping the infection.
2. Cleans Minor Cuts and Abrasions
This natural antiseptic agent disinfects the affected area and eradicates surface bacteria to defend against bacterial production.
3. Prevents Acne and Pimples
It helps in getting rid of the dirt in the skin and it unclogs the blocked pores. Make sure to apply it as soon as you see the first sign of pimple.
4. Addresses Poison Ivy
Use a bottle of rubbing alcohol in the affected area for a quick relief due to its disinfectant, soothing and cooling properties.
5. Treats Toenail Fungus
Rubbing alcohol has antiseptic properties that can actually fight against toenail fungus. Moreover, it is a drying agent that can keep the affected area dry that stops the fungal growth. Fungi are form in warm and wet environments.
6. Kills Head Lice
Having a head lice is somewhat annoying, irritating and also an embarrassing situation that a lot people have to face. It’s really difficult to control head lice but you can reduce this problem quickly by using rubbing alcohol.
7. Soothes Mosquito Bites
Rubbing alcohol could be also use to lessen irritation caused by mosquito bites and even the chigger bites. It will reduce the pain, swelling, itching and can quickly soothe the healing. It also prevents the risk of having an infection.
8. Soothes Muscle Aches
Rubbing alcohol can acts as an ointment that can be rubbed over the sore muscles or hurting joints that causes severe pain and swelling.
It can draw out pressure in the muscles that will boost the blood flow in the affected area and the improved circulation supports to lessen the inflammation and pain.
9. Gets Rid of Ink Stains
Rubbing alcohol is also effective in preventing ink stains from few number of fabrics and even carpets. It can help in breaking down the stain with no damaging effects to the fabric. In order to remove the stain easily, you have to get rid of it as soon as possible.
10. Glass Cleaner
Rubbing alcohol can acts as an effective glass cleaner due to its properties that makes it dries rapidly and doesn’t leave any stains or marks. In fact, a few number of windows cleansers uses rubbing alcohol as an ingredient.
Source: AOL
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