The following are 10 vegetables that are really easy to grow and this is how to regrow them and have unlimited supplies of it:
#1: Asparagus
This is an early spring vegetable that when properly kept, it can produce for up to 25 years of 2 year old crowns for a year. This seeds needs a few years in order to mature so if you wanted to grow it faster, use the crowns. Make sure that you will not going to waterlogged it because it has a high tendency to rot.
#2: Garlic
You can actually use garlic cloves in order to regrow sprouts and just a little clove can produce you more than 10 garlic cloves. You can add them up to different variety of foods such as salads, pasta and other dishes due to its milder taste.
As soon as they sprout, put them in a cup of water and keep the cup on the window sill or outside. Replant these sprouts as soon as they extent to a couple of inches.
Use a larger pot and a fertile soil in order to see its leaves appear in just few days. Pick the garlic when the leaves turned to brown and when it started to fall.
#3: Carrots
Use the tops of carrots when you are going to regrow them. Put them in a dish with water and keep the dish on a window sill or in a well-lit room. The taste might turn to a little bitter but you can make them sweet with the help of vinegar and garlic which can be added to salads.
#4: Bok Choy
Place the root ends of the Chinese cabbage into water and put it in a well-lit room then leave it for a couple of weeks. After that, transfer the vegetable to a pot with a healthy soil. Thus, it will grow a new head of lettuce.
#5: Romaine Lettuce
You can actually produce a new lettuce from the bottom part of a lettuce head. All you have to do is to put stumps of it in a half inch of water and when you have already notice the first new roots and leaves, transfer it to the garden or in a pot with a healthy soil. Its leaves could grow up to twice than its usual size. The same method can be used in order to regrow cabbages.
#6: Scallions
The roots of scallions can be used in order to grow new vegetables. Just put an inch of scallion that was attached to its root in a cup of water and keep it in a well-lit room. Then, the new scallions will appear easily, you can now start picking them when they turned to 4-6 inches long.
#7: Celery
Use the bottom of the celery to regrow new vegetables. Just cut off the base part and put it in a shallow bowl or saucer underneath the sun and in the middle of base, you will notice soon the leaves. After 3 days, replant them in a healthy soil.
#8: Cilantro
Place the roots of cilantro in a glass of water and the new vegetables will grow soon. When they have turned and become longer, transfer them into a pot with contains a healthy soil and place the pot in a well-lit room. Expect that the new plants will grow for a couple of months.
#9: Basil
You will be needing basil clippings with stems of 3 to 4 inches and place them in a glass of water. The glass should be exposed to direct rays of the sun. And as soon as the roots turned to 2 inches long, plant it into a pot with a soil. Water the basil regularly to make not too slim.
#10: Globe Artichoke
The artichokes could be harvested when they already unfurl to expose some fuzzy purple flowers. In order to grow to this plant, you will need a moist, well-drained soil and a sunny climate. Just plant about 24-36 inches of artichokes in a rows and about 36 inches apart from each other in a well-drained soil which exposed directly to the sun. The soil should be earlier amended with 2 inches of fertilizer.
Source: Food Hacks
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