Mother nature really works miracles. With the right knowledge, you can find medicine for prevention and cure for almost all illnesses and health conditions.
There is really no harm using prescription medicines, except for the fact that they can be quite expensive and in the long run, inducing chemicals may have adverse effects to our body. It is really recommended to use natural remedies as they have no side effects.
When it comes to lowering your cholesterol levels, the following steps also promote better overall health:
How to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels Without Side Effects?
#1: Eat right.
This may sound simple, but is main reason in determining the cholesterol levels. Regardless if it’s bad nutrition or inherited disorder nutrition is crucial for regulating of cholesterol levels. Low fat or vegan nutrition is the first step to lowering of high cholesterol.
#2: Exercise.
Improve your cardiovascular health. With exercising you will indirectly act on your high cholesterol levels, strengthening the heart and the circulatory system.
#3: Quit smoking.
When you smoke, depositing of plaque is accelerated in the arteries because of high cholesterol. When plaque blocks the flow of blood to the heart, heart muscles work harder to gain the oxygen necessary. Blocked arteries can cause heart attack.
#4: Relax.
Chronic stress also affects cholesterol levels. If you are constantly under stress and stressful situations, even low cholesterol diet won’t help you if you don’t learn to get rid of it on your own.
#5: Talk to your doctor.
Except with prescribed drugs, your doctor can also help you form a nutrition regime and exercising plan. This change will reflect on your actual health and its improving.
By lowering your cholesterol you will impose a new way of living and nutrition. If you want to stop taking drugs first consult your doctor.
If you follow these simple advice you will notice large improving of your cholesterol. You can lower cholesterol levels in just one week. The choice is yours!
Source: Health & Love Page
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